- mlhineline@ucsd.edu
9500 Gilman Dr
La Jolla , California 92093
Visiting Scholar
I earned my doctorate with the first cohort of the Science Studies Program at the University of California, San Diego. In the first two years of that program, the required yearlong seminar was taught by Steve Shapin, Martin J. S. Rudwick, and Philip Kitcher (1989-1990) and Robert S. Westman, Shapin, and Kitcher (1990- 1991). Sharon Traweek , Chandra Mukerji, Sandra Mitchell, Bruno Latour, Robert Marc Friedman, Gerald D. Doppelt, Paul Churchland were among the faculty usually in attendance.
After completing my graduate training, under the supervision of Martin J. S. Rudwick, I taught in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Bowdoin College (1992-1994); the Department of History at the University of California, San Diego (1994-2004); the Department of History at the University of California, Riverside (2005-2006); Sixth College at the University of California, San Diego (2009-2012); and on the faculty of Lyman Briggs College, Michigan State University (2016-2019). I retired from the Department of History at the University of California in 2013.
My current research focuses on the role that actors within the book publishing trade played in framing the modern environmental movement in the United States. The thesis combines aspects of the work of the American philosopher John Dewey on democracy with Bruno Latour’s actor-network-theory to show how the environmental movement, which lacked a major charismatic leader in the years 1968-1990, was nevertheless quite successful in its aims. The work, tentatively titled “The Canon and the Trade: How Editors, Booksellers, Publishers, and Other Bookish Types Helped Craft the Environmental Movement in America,” is under contract with the University of Pittsburgh Press and currently has the support of a Franklin Grant from the American Philosophical Society. Beginning in 1995 and for a decade thereafter, my primary research focus was the history of field sciences and practice related to the deserts, plateaus, and canyons of Arizona. I am currently at work on a work of graphic nonfiction, under contract with Columbia University Press, which frames this research in the context of a field trip undertaken with students of “Wilderness and Human Values,” a course I taught for the Environmental Studies minor at the University of California, San Diego. I am responsible both for text and graphics.
My 2018 Ground Truth: A Guide to Tracking Climate Change at Home, a handbook devoted to an experiential focus on climate change through the science of phenology (not phrenology) was published by the University of Chicago Press.
I am also editing a “Martin Rudwick Reader” that will feature selections from Rudwick’s quite substantial oeuvre.
Since 2013 I have made my permanent home in Flagstaff, Arizona. I commute by train to UCSD.