Research Interests: Media, Critical Muslim Studies, Islamophobia, Racism and Racialization -
Bayonle Olanisimi Akinfemisoye
Research Interests: LGBTQ Studies; Diversity Studies; Performance Studies; Critical Gender Studies; Social Justice; Community and Environmental Advocacy; Media, Technology, and Society; Politics; Discourse Analysis; Linguistics.
Research Interests: Consent, AI, platform capitalism, community-owned technology, political economy, phenomenology, media studies
Abby Bratton
Research Interests: Science studies/STS, science communication, genomic/genetic metaphors, textuality and spectrality in genomic discourse, scientific poetics
Taylor Brough
tbrough@ucsd.edu -
Loydie Burmah
Research Interests: Digital Media, Pop Culture, Journalism, Media Production, Film Studies, Technology -
Science Studies Program
Research Interests: Anthropology of technological acceleration, design after acceleration, “slow futures,” material design, environmental justice and social inequality in design, critical data studies -
Yi-Lin Chung
Research Interests: The lineage between Japanese classical theatre and popular culture; media adaptation; cross-cultural media production; representation of trauma in art; the cultural impact of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; geography in visual culture; queerness, race, and gender in media -
Graduate Student Co-Coordinator, Transdisciplinary Disability Studies
Research Interests: Disability justice; cross-disability solidarity; (in)visible disabilities; identity; community; access; critical legal studies; intersectionality; deafness; American Sign Language(s) -
Science Studies Program
Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellow
Research Interests: Visual culture and lived experience of disaster and displacement; critical disaster and critical infrastructure studies, STS; time and temporalities of disaster; media archaeology; digital humanities; critical data studies. -
Ignacio Evans
ivevans@ucsd.edu -
Dana Ekhitar
Research Interests: Critical Media Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Migration and Asylum Studies -
Carmel Farzaneh
Research Interests: Birth Justice, Postpartum Care, Community Care, Public Health, Food Access, Photography, Advancing Participation towards Justice
Research Interests: Housing, property technologies, suburbia, the nuclear family -
Sam Gaffney
Research Interests: Coal, extractivism, labor and labor history, environmentalism and environmental justice, techno-idealism, infrastructure -
Michael Gainey
Research interests: Animation Labor History, Critical Film Studies, Popular Animation and its portrayals of the working class.
Francis Galang
UC San Diego Labor Center
Research Interests: Aspiration, artistic dreaming, popular music studies, cultural industries, stardom and meritocratic ideology, status professions, labor and community studies, strategic labor research, affect theory, political subjectivity, biography as restoration, politics of alternatives, media and becoming. -
Research Interests: History of architecture, disability studies, critical whiteness studies, settler colonialism studies, history of medicine -
Eva Marie Gonzalez Ruskiewicz
Research Interests: Queer and trans studies; popular music and sound studies; performance studies -
Research Interests: Creative activism, socially engaged art, performance, sound and music, Filipinx cultural production, theories of the human (race), transnational feminisms and social reproduction theory, queer theory and subjectless critique, memory and place-making
Anvar Hassanpour
Research Interests: Political economy of film and media, critical film studies and practice, “totality” in film and media production, decolonizing film practice, documentary films -
Keven Hernandez
Research Interests: Diaspora Studies, Migration Studies, Affect Theory, Critical Race Theory, Labor Studies, Critical Film and Television studies.
Ramal L. Johnson
Research Interests: Studying superhero media and implementing ethnography, ethnology, deconstructive reflexivity, critical race theory, and epistemology and axiology from anthropological standpoints. -
Critical Gender Studies Program
Research Interests: Critical geography; prison abolition; environmental toxicity; infrastructure
Sookyong Ko
Research Interests: Media theory, phenomenology, visual culture, visual semiotics, cultural studies, affect theory, emotional and sensual aspects of media interaction, theories on evolving media and human perception of information. -
Julia Kott
Science Studies Program
Research Interests: Accessibility, digital classrooms, instructional design, surveillance technologies, histories of technologies, subjectivities, online proctoring and other forms of watching.
Keywords: media endarkenment, alternative professional journalism, journalistic norms, journalistic practices, ideology of objectivity, media systems, hybrid regimes, authoritarianism, propaganda, public spheres, populism, nationalism, ethnography, discourse analysis, situational analysis, grounded theory
Yazhou Liu
Science Studies Program
Research Interests: (post)genomics, biomedicine, tissue economies, critical data studies, privacy and health data, surveillance studies -
Loreto Montero
Research Interests: The relationship between media images and collective memory about the last decade in Chilean society -
Joseph Moreno
Teresa Naval
Science Studies Program
Lorenzo Nericcio
Research Interests: Ethics of emerging technologies, technological mediation of value, and philosophy of technology. -
Lindsey Ortega
Ivonne Ramirez
Research Interests: Xicanx studies, film studies, critical media studies, critical cultural studies, transborder relations, feminist studies, gender and sexuality, and visual ethnography. -
Science Studies Program
Research Interests:Science-state-publics relations, Journalism studies, History of particle physics in India
Vandhana Ravi
Research Interests: Media, Japanese Popular Culture, Globalization, Transnationalism
Gisselle Lydia Salgado
Research Interests: Cannabis & Cannabis Regulation, Human Rights, (In)Formal Economies, Latin American Studies, Social Ecologies, Urban Studies, Diaspora Studies
Paula Santa Rosa
Lian Song
Science Studies Program
Bárbara Tauffner De Souza
Science Studies Program
Research Interests: Political communication, public opinion, social media platforms, disinformation, social network analysis, discourse analysis, neoconservative movements in Brazil, and climate crisis -
Veronica Uribe del Aguila
Science Studies Program
Feminist Labor Laburibede@ucsd.edu
Research Interests: Intersection between critical geography, design, labor, and feminist/ decolonial STS -
Elisabeth Wiering
Critical Gender Studies Program
Artist and Digital Entertainment Producer
Research Interests: Political economy of art philanthropy, media making as resistance, critical gender studies, decolonial art practice, antiracist methodologies, ethics of storytelling, institutional ethnography, transgender studies -
Ifsha Zehra
Research Interests: Visual Anthropology, Images and Visual Culture, Archives, Gender, Intersectionality, Decoloniality, Memory, Ethnography, South Asia
Research Interests: Grunge, punk, Mixed Reality Pedagogy/Design, Digital Humanities Pedagogy/Design, girls’ studies, Sci-fi/Pop Dystopias, 19th-20th Century U.S. History