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  • Patty Ahn

    Patty Ahn

    Associate Teaching Professor
    Research interests: Korean Wave/Hallyu, K-Pop, U.S. television and popular music industries, transnational Asian popular culture, media activism and community-based storytelling

  • Morana Alac

    Morana Alac

    Professor, Science Studies
    (858) 534-7229
    MCC 102
    Research Interests: Ethnomethodology, interaction with technology, gesture, multimodality, and the senses.
  • Patrick Anderson

    Patrick Anderson

    Department Chair, Professor
    Department of Ethnic Studies

    (858) 534-2356
    MCC 130
    Research Interests: Performance studies and cultural studies, focusing in particular on the constitutive role of violence, mortality, and pain in the production and experience of political subjectivity.

  • Boatema Boateng

    Boatema Boateng

    Associate Professor, Associate Chair
    (858) 534-8990
    MCC 104
    Research Interests: Critical Legal Studies, Critical Race Studies, Transnational Gender Studies, Indigenous Studies, and African Diaspora Studies.
  • Angela Booker

    Angela Booker

    Associate Professor
    (858) 246-1850
    MCC 208
    Research Interests: Youth Civic and Political Participation; Learning in Informal Settings; Media and Technology for Learning; Mathematics in Context; Parent Advocacy; Anthropology and Education; Qualitative Research Methods
  • Lisa Cartwright (Affiliated)

    Lisa Cartwright (Affiliated)

    Affiliated Professor Visual Arts and Science Studies
    (858) 822-2695
  • Matilde Córdoba Azcárate

    Matilde Córdoba Azcárate

    Associate Professor
    (858) 246-2516
    MCC 106
    Research Interests: Political ecology, ethnography, social and urban anthropology, critical geography, development and tourism studies, space, capitalism, Southern Mexico.
  • Zeinabu irene Davis

    Zeinabu irene Davis

    (858) 534-6328
    MCC 124A
    Research and production interests: Altering and diversifying the terrain of mass media, film history, world cinema and folklore, African and African American cinema.
  • Andrew deWaard

    Andrew deWaard

    Assistant Professor of Media and Popular Culture
    (858) 534-6325
    MCC 124B
    Research Interests: cultural industries, the political economy of media, financial capital, media authorship, and the digital humanities

  • Fernando Domínguez Rubio

    Fernando Domínguez Rubio

    Associate Professor
    (858) 534-7192
    MCC 229B
    Research Interests: Sociology, science and technology studies, anthropology, art, design and architecture

  • Alexander Fattal

    Alexander Fattal

    Associate Professor
    (858) 246-5342
    MCC 107
    Research interests: representational politics surrounding Colombia’s war, media studies, socio-cultural anthropology, the documentary arts, film and photography projects with immigrant, refugee, and marginalized communities.
  • Gary Fields

    Gary Fields

    (858) 534-2365
    MCC 101
    Research Interests: theoretically-driven, actor-centered accounts of power and processes of territorial transformation fusing geography, history, and political economy while maintaining a commitment to a scholarship of activism and critical engagement with the world.
  • Kelly Gates

    Kelly Gates

    Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
    Director, Science Studies Program
    (858) 534-7249
    MCC 243
    Research Interests: Critical analysis of digital media technologies, the politics and social implications of computerization and the automation of surveillance in the United States from the mid-twentieth century to the present.
  • Stuart Geiger

    Stuart Geiger

    Assistant Professor, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (joint appointment)
    Phone and Office TBD
    Research Interests: Social, cultural, and political aspects of data science, automation, and AI; governance and moderation of online platforms and communities; knowledge infrastructures; science and technology studies; ethnography in online and distributed contexts; computational and mixed methods
  • Brian Goldfarb

    Brian Goldfarb

    Associate Professor 
    Affiliated Faculty, Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, and Education Studies
    Faculty Director, UCSD Minor in Public Service
    (858) 534-2366
    MCC 209
    Research and Creative Practice Interests: Contemporary visual and digital culture, disability studies and education, media technologies and digital communication, pedagogy, postcolonial politics, environmental activism, museum curatorship
  • Anthony J. Harb

    Anthony J. Harb

    Assistant Professor in Language and Social Justice  
    MCC 204
    Research Interests: Critical Sociolinguistics, Linguistic Anthropology, Education, Immigration, Community Radio, Antiracist Organizing




  • Erin T. Hill

    Erin T. Hill

    Assistant Professor of Media and Popular Culture
    Affiliated Faculty: Critical Gender Studies, Film Studies, Black Diaspora and African American Studies Program
    (858) 822-2239
    MCC 241
    Research Interests:
    • American Film and Television History
    • Media Industry Organizational and Production Cultures
    • Feminized, Below-the-Line Production Sectors and non-unionized “Gig” work
    • Film/TV Development Sector and Creative Collaborative Authorship
    • Occupational Stereotypes, Discrimination in Media Production Labor
  • Lilly Irani

    Lilly Irani

    Associate Professor, Science Studies
    (858) 534-3572
    MCC 205
    Research Interests: Science and Technology Studies, Human-Computer Interaction, and South Asia studies, how technical practices are shaped by hierarchies of value, gender, race, and the cultural and economic project called ‘modernity.’
  • Caroline Jack

    Caroline Jack

    Assistant Professor
    (858) 246-5996
    MCC 242
    Research Interests: media history, business history, and the history of media technologies; critical studies of advertising, corporate communication, and promotional culture.
  • Shawna Kidman

    Shawna Kidman

    Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies
    (858) 534-5210
    MCC 229D
    Research Interests: Media industries, broadcast and cable history, streaming content and digital distribution, copyright law, media audiences, and contemporary issues related to pop culture and society.
  • Daniel Martinico

    Daniel Martinico

    Associate Teaching Professor
    MCC 244
    Creative Practice and Research Interests: filmmaking, critical media production
  • Carol Padden

    Carol Padden

    Dean of the Division of Social Sciences
    Faculty affiliate: Center for Research in Language, Human Development, Education Studies
    Dean’s office: Social Sciences Building (SSB) 501
    Research offices: Cognitive Science Building (CSB) 262-265
    Phone: 858.534.6073
    Video Phone: 858.768.0471
    Research Interests: Language, communication and culture, the study of sign language, particularly American Sign Language (ASL).
  • Thomas R. Schmidt

    Thomas R. Schmidt

    Associate Professor in Critical Journalism Studies
    (858) 246-5341
    MCC 103
    Research Interests:

    journalism studies, cultural history of media, political economy of communication, history of communication research, political theory and public communication, history and practice of narrative journalism, digital media literacy

  • David Serlin

    David Serlin

    Director of Graduate Studies, 2024-25

    Core Faculty, Science Studies
    Affiliated Faculty, Critical Gender Studies

    (858) 534-6327
    MCC 105

    Research Interests: Historical and cultural approaches to disability, technology, and the politics of design; architecture, urbanism, and the built environment; material culture, museums, and archives; scientific and aesthetic histories of the senses, especially tactility and cognition; feminist, crip, and queer theories of embodiment, experience, and subjectivity

  • Christo Sims

    Christo Sims

    Associate Professor
    (858) 246-0739
    MCC 207
    Research Interests: technology, design, and social inequities, social life of sustainable architecture, the place of technology and design in American youth cultures and amongst educational reformers.  Studio for Ethnographic Design and the University of California Collaboratory for Ethnographic Design.

  • Lillian Walkover

    Lillian Walkover

    Assistant Teaching Professor in Communication and Global Health Program (joint appointment) 
    SSRB 154
    Research Interests: Production and movement of global health knowledges, postcolonial science and technology studies, health professions training and migration, qualitative research methods
  • Megan Ybarra

    Megan Ybarra

    Research Interests: Environmental justice and political ecology; migration and Latinx geographies; abolition and radical placemaking

  • Elana Zilberg

    Elana Zilberg

    Associate Professor
    Principal Investigator, The University of California Collaboratory for Ethnographic Design (CoLED)
    Faculty Affiliate: Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, and Ethnic Studies
    (858) 534-2946
    MCC 206
    Research Interests: Security, space, and mobility between the United States and Latin America, the production of transnational space through neoliberalism and globalization between immigration, criminal, and antiterrorist law, the production of space and urban built environment, urban nature, infrastructure, and environmental activism.