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Department Internships & Fellowships

Communication Social Media Intern

This is a hybrid internship position with the UCSD Department of Communication. In this role you will have the opportunity to work on a variety of exciting projects to help publicize, promote and market the UCSD Department of Communication. Responsibilities include developing social media posts for multiple social media platforms, generating department news and event articles, writing faculty, student and alumni profiles, and updating the Department website.

  • Application timeline: Spring/Summer announced on Handshake and to all Communciation students
  • Internship dates: Fall, winter or spring quarter
  • $1,000 scholarship per quarter and AIP 197 credit

Internship with Marco Werman, Host of The World Podcast

The World is a one-hour, nationally distributed weekday radio public affairs program co-produced by GBH and PRX. The show offers a mix of news, features, interviews, and music from around the globe, developed specifically for an American audience. The World’s companion website,, offers a similar mix of news and features along with slideshows, videos, blog posts, podcasts, and interactive graphics that expand on the radio content. The World and use social media and other relevant tools to maximize user engagement and enhance the user experience.


  • The World is seeking a hardworking student eager to learn about and assisting with the process of getting a daily radio program on the air. This internship is an opportunity to work with broadcast professionals to learn the intricacies of reporting and producing short and long-format audio stories and series.
  • Paid internship
  • Applications announced quarterly

Jump Cutters Fellowship

The Jump Cutters Production Fellowship is made possible thanks to a generous donation to the UCSD Department of Communication by Alumni Todd and Katherine Lehr.

Fellowships are for Senior Communication students who have demonstrated potential in production, and have a future project in mind (including, but not limited to, a film, podcast, or photography project). Awards may range between $500 - $3,000, and can be used to cover the cost of a specific camera, a software package, or other creative use.

  • Deadline: First Sunday in May
  • Applications will be reviewed by the Jump Cutters Production Fellowship Committee, with awards to be announced by the end of Spring Quarter 2024.
  • Fellowship recipients will be required to submit their final production project (to be completed within one year) to the Department of Communication, which will be published on the department's website. Recipients may also be asked to publicly screen, play or exhibit their work at a departmental event.

Schorrs Public Health Advocacy Podcasting Fellowship

The fellowship is awarded to two students in the communication department for participating in developing media for public hearth advocacy or promoting knowledge of public health concerns. The fellowship comes with a cash award of $5,000 to support your work on a public health media project.
  • 2024-25 Fellowship: This academic year our fellows will participate in development of programming for a new patient advocacy podcast series on living with chronic conditions.  This will provide an opportunity to work on a  a piece that will be aired to wide audience. Fellowship awardees would also be able to register for an AIP (academic Internship) to receive course credit for their work.
  • The fellowship comes with a cash award of $5,000 to support your work on a public health media project.
  • Deadline to apply: Beginning of fall quarter, announced via email to Communication undergraduate students